Version 1: Last Updated May 23, 2023

Switch VISA Debit Cardholder Agreement

Please read this Switch VISA Debit Cardholder Agreement (the “Agreement”) carefully and retain it for your future reference. This Agreement applies to the Switch VISA Debit Card (singularly or collectively, the “Card”), which has been made available to you by Grink Inc. dba Switch (“Program Partner”), the program partner responsible for managing the Card program, in partnership with Thread Bank, a bank chartered under the laws of the State of Tennessee (the “Bank”), a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”).  The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to all Cards issued to you by us, all replacement Cards that we may issue to you from time to time at our option, and all transactions resulting from the use of the Card through an automated teller machine ("ATM"), a point-of-sale (“POS”) device or any other use of the Card, whether electronic or otherwise.  Upon receipt of a Card, you must sign the signature panel.

Please read this Agreement carefully and keep it for your records. The request for, initial use of, or other acceptance of the Card, or the signing of any application for a Card or this Agreement, by you constitutes acceptance of this Agreement, and you agree to be responsible for all uses of any Card, Card number or 4-digit personal identification number (“PIN”) issued hereunder.  The agreement you make with us, and the rights and obligations we both have, are governed by and interpreted according to Tennessee and federal law. This Agreement, together with other agreements or disclosures you may receive from us, such as the Switch Consumer Deposit Agreement (“Account Agreement”) with respect to your consumer deposit accounts with the Bank ("Account(s)"), establishes our and your rights and obligations. Terms used in this Agreement but not defined, have the meaning given in the Account Agreement.  To the extent any of the provisions in those documents are inconsistent with the information in this Agreement, this Agreement will govern with respect to the Card(s) and with respect to transactions made with any Card, Card number and/or PIN.

When you see the words “we,” “us,” or “our” in this Agreement, it refers to the Bank and any of the Bank’s affiliates, successors, or assignees. When you see the words “you” or “your” or "Cardholder" it refers to you, the owner of the Account and all joint account owners, if any, that has requested a Card(s) be issued in its name and/or in the name of its officers, agents, employees or representatives who have been authorized to use the Card.

You authorize us to pay from your Account(s) the total amount of any transaction originated by use of the Card. You also agree that the use of the Card described in this Agreement is subject to the rules, regulations and fees governing each Account(s) that is accessed by such Card, including the Bank's right of set-off.

1 Activating the Card and Setting a PIN

1.1 Card Activation

This Card requires activation before you may use it. You may activate the Card by calling 1-833-852-1519. Your activation and use of the Card mean that you agree to the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.

If you do not want to activate the Card, you should destroy the Card by cutting it and then dispose of it.

1.2 Personal Identification Number (PIN)

You or your authorized agents or representatives will be required to select a PIN prior to using the Card for the first time. The 4-digit numerical PIN issued to you is for security purposes. The PIN represents your signature authorizing transactions made using your Card, identifies the bearer of the Card, and serves to validate and authenticate the directions given to complete the Card transactions.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFEKEEPING YOUR PIN. YOU MUST TAKE ALL REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS SO NO ONE ELSE LEARNS YOUR PIN AND YOU MUST NOT DISCLOSE OR OTHERWISE MAKE YOUR PIN AVAILABLE TO ANYONE NOT AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON YOUR ACCOUNT(S). You agree that by disclosing your PIN to someone, you are authorizing them to use your Card in the same manner that you can use your Card. You are liable for all unauthorized transactions until such time that you send proper notification to the Bank and the Bank acknowledges receipt of such notice of unauthorized use in the manner set forth herein.

Your PIN should NOT be written on the Card(s), kept in the same wallet or place as your Card, or kept anywhere it is available to others for use.

1.3 Responsibilities

You assume personal responsibility for all transactions, fees, and charges arising from the use of the Card, Card information and/or PIN whether such use is with an ATM, banking terminal, POS device, electronic funds transfer device or any other means of access. If you have authorized another person to use the Card and/or PIN in any manner, that authorization shall be deemed to include the authorization to make withdrawals or transfers of funds from the Account to which Cards are linked, and such authorization shall be deemed to continue until you have taken all steps necessary to revoke it by preventing such use by that person, including notifying the Cardholder and contacting us to inform us that the Cardholder is no longer authorized.

If you have authorized someone to use any of your Cards, your authorization shall be considered by us to be unlimited in amount and manner and will be effective until the following takes place: (a) you notify us in writing that you have revoked the authorization to any such individual and have taken all necessary steps to revoke it; and (b) we have had reasonable opportunity and time to act on such notification. Your written request to revoke such authorization will result in the Card being closed/cancelled within three (3) business days after we receive your written notice. You will be responsible for all transactions and authorizations made with the Card(s) until that time.  These procedures apply to authorization for use of your Card whereby a Card has either been issued to one of your agents, representatives or any other individual or whereby temporary use or access to your/their Card has been given to any such persons.

To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to pay us on demand for all purchases made, services rendered, and cash advances made by or to any person using the Card, Card number or PIN, including all fees and charges assessed either by the Bank or any third party. You further authorize us to transfer funds in the Account to the accounts of third parties you or other Cardholder may designate using our services. Except as specifically prohibited by law or regulation, you hereby waive as against us all of your claims, defenses, rights and offsets now or hereafter existing against any merchant or other payee for services or merchandise acquired with the Card.

Cancellation of a Card or termination of the Account shall not excuse your obligation to pay for all purchases or other transactions incurred against or in connection with the Account through the effective time of the cancellation or termination. This liability will be joint and several with you and other Cardholders. You are solely responsible for selecting Cardholders. You must require each Cardholder to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and you are responsible for the failure of any Cardholder to so comply. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for retrieving the Cards if any Cardholder leaves your employment or you otherwise revoke a Cardholder’s authority to use a Card. Except as otherwise limited by applicable law, you will remain responsible for all Card transactions.

Use of your Card requires the maintenance of the Account held in your name.  If the Account is closed for any reason, this Agreement will be terminated; provided, however, all of your obligations under this Agreement will survive termination.